Goddess Tribe
You've invested in others.
It's time to invest in YOU.
YOUR personal & spiritual growth.
YOUR happiness & joy.
YOUR love & money.
Goddess Tribe
Your sacred online space to feel nourished supported and held by women who get it.
Tribe is your place:
- to grow
- to heal
- to laugh
- and to feel
your place to find your soul Tribe

What is Goddess Tribe?

Hi Goddess,
Starting out on your personal development, spiritual growth journey can be a lonely venture. Sometimes it feels like nobody around you really gets that you’re seeking something more in life. Maybe they don’t want to read books or do meditations. Maybe they don’t understand why someone might be interested in collecting crystals or reading angel cards. Maybe they don’t want to go to lectures or seminars. Maybe they change the topic or even tease you when you talk about deeper, things like the universe.
They may not get it. But it’s OK, because we do.
I’m Amber J and I designed TRIBE to be a beautiful, safe, virtual home for women of a unique community to come together and support one another on their path to becoming the greatest versions of themselves; to focus on their self-love, self-development, and self-mastery to become the greatest versions of themselves.
Each month we share nourishing workshops and brilliant wisdom from my signature SPRC system. We set goals together that absolutely make our souls sing and then start making those dreams a reality.
If you’ve been hungry for more, this is for you.

In 2020 our focus was on shifting from doing to being; from getting our value from our money, our accolades, and the things we collect, to clarifying what truly matters most to us. Maybe for you it’s family, or your personal growth, or self-care. This year we will continue to strengthen our values and our practices, and deepen our SELF-LOVE as we expand into what’s next; into our divine feminine; into truly embodying our truth. Many of these sessions are available when you join.
This year we will deepen our practice around Spark (SPRC), the Goddess Process foundational program:
- S = Self-care: filling your cup first and giving from the overflow.
- P = Prosperity: money equals self-worth. Are you willing to receive?
- R = Relationships: time = intimacy. Are you allowing the people you say you want into your life? Or the love you want into your life? Are you willing to be vulnerable?
- C = Community and Contribution: what is your purpose? What is your dharma? What are your specific talents that you get to express in the world this year and inside a tribe?
There are many tools and we keep adding to them all the time.
Why Goddess Tribe?
"Let's get real. We're in a situation where women need more support than ever. I am committed to bringing those women together. So every woman, regardless of where she is financially can participate."
-Amber J
"Highly recommend!"
-Claire A.
"I attended the LOCA Goddess Process Manifestation in December, and it gave me a much needed perspective change on how I approach my goals. It also provided me with clarity and a sense of calm that I hadn't felt in months. I also highly recommend attending!!"
-Christine C.

Each month you receive
- 4 community calls
- Opportunities for coaching
- 2 moon ceremonies (New Moon/ Full Moon)
- Exclusive Goddess Tribe content to take you to the next level of your growth
- Prompts to reflect and journal for the week
- Worksheets with tips & tools
- Guided meditations
- Community 24/7
- Universe 24/7
- First access to all new features
- More information below!

What You Get!
GODDESS WEEKLY Call on Zoom facilitated by Amber J at 9 AM every Saturday where goddesses like you gather together from all over the world for a group coaching call. In this community call we explore a new distinction; we have an exercise and or an assignment; and we do a group meditation and or guided visualization. It’s also the one time a week where you have access for real time coaching; so if you are stuck somewhere in your growth journey, if you are struggling, or if you need support, this is the live activation you get each week. This is your place to explore the topics in the areas of your life around your desires, your purpose; deep, meaningful sharing. This is the place for you to feel held, supported, and loved by women who truly understand you.
GODDESS CHURCH Full moon and new moon ceremonies, where we spend 90 minutes to 2 hours in the three C’s: clearing, clarity, and committed action. You will walk away clear on what you are calling in, what you are vibrating with, and be supported by like-minded Goddess Tribe members.
GODDESS UNIVERSE Each month we read a “book of the month” to go alongside our workshop and theme so you can dive deeper and take your personal growth journey to the next level in any field you feel most drawn to. In Universe you will find a wealth of books, resources, and videos as well as coupon codes and partner codes to support you in your transformational and growth journey.
GODDESS COMMUNITY A supportive community of other Tribe members who are experiencing similar experiences.
GODDESS SALONS Exclusive online gatherings (for now) where we highlight various women in the world who have obtained some success in an area of their life. They will share their journey to get there, express what it took from them to call it in, and reveal the truth behind their journeys and how you can experience your own success.
GODDESS CIRCLES Facilitated by other Tribe goddesses around a like-minded topic. Whether you are an entrepreneur, a new mom, or just moved to a new city, these circles are there to support study groups, accountability, expansion, and networking.
GODDESS PLAYLISTS Specially-curated playlists of music to support the area that you are focused on, whether that is expansion or vulnerability or sexuality. These playlists go there!!!
What Goddesses Are Saying

Enroll in Goddess Tribe today and get instant access to the gift of content and community!
Goddess Tribe Includes:
- 4 community calls / opportunities for coaching (monthly value $1400)
- 2 moon ceremonies (monthly value $60/ $720 annually)
- Exclusive goddess tribe content to take you to the next level of your growth (value $100 each month)
- Prompts to reflect and journal for the week (value $50)
- Worksheets with tips & tools (value $50)
- Guided meditations (value $250)
- Community 24/7 (value $250)
- Universe 24/7 (value $250)
- First access to all new features (monthly value $1400)
- Instant access to the content ($1500 value)
Regularly $99
Todayā€™s investment:
$1 to start
When you continue your investment with us, you will receive the grandfathered price of $18/month for life!
$1 Gets You Started Now!BONUSES!
- How to manifest your true hearts desire
- Divine feminine embodiment
- Orgasmic manifestation
- Masculine/ feminine energies
- Outrageous Requests
- The art of receiving
- Money mindset
- Finding your purpose
- Living your hearts desire
- Conscious relationships
- Expanders
- Raising your vibration
- And much more….
other women
You don’t need to struggle alone. No more white-knuckling it.
Goddess Tribe is an invitation for you to be supported in what matters most to you. To live your life’s vision. To reveal a pathway to success and happiness that is unique to your feminine experience.
Goddess Tribe Story
Goddess Tribe was started and is managed by the transformation company, Goddess Process.
Hundreds of women have been attracted to Goddess Process in their quest to come together and support each other in discovering and sharing their talents to make an impact in the world – all while creating joy and fulfillment in others AND themselves.
Goddess Process, the company, is built upon the unique, community-based, spiritual framework known as SPRC, invented by Amber J Lawson.
Self-care is a means of filling your cup
Prosperity relates to both money & abundance
Relationships with yourself and others
What's your vision for the world?
Goddess Process is the underlying foundation for this community, with immersive experiences and digital tools that are impacting women around the world.


We come from all different walks of life.
Yet, one thing remains true:
Women do better when they are supported by other women.
Your Goddess Tribe will support you to get unstuck in life and manifest your heart's desires.
About Amber J...
Amber J Lawson is a master mindset coach for women who want to uplevel their joy, step into their power, and transform their life. As a powerhouse Entrepreneur and Evocator, Amber J created and founded Goddess Process, a conscious company for women to explore their gifts and innate wisdom within an experiential learning environment.
As part of Amber J’s vision for peace on earth within her lifetime and her mission to do good at scale, she is also the founder and CEO of Good Amplified, and co founder and CEO of Comedy Gives Back. She has been at the cutting edge of the digital landscape, honored as Entrepreneur of the Year by Cynopsis Women in Digital, Top 50 Women in Digital, PGA Top 25 in Digital, and the NATPE Luminary Award as a Digital Media Maven.
Amber J is a sought-after speaker at corporations and events, she hosts webinars and intensive masterminds, and she creates clarity and accountability for her community with their life-fulfilling goals and inspiration to achieve them.

Join your Goddess Tribe
Goddess Tribe is a private membership community offering women support and diversity as the catalyst to transform various aspects of their life, discover purpose in their career, and step into their power!
Goddess Tribe provides support, accountability, and pathways for women to transform all aspects of work, life, and love. The feminine is the emotional consciousness of the planet. Together, as women within Goddess Tribe, we hold sacred space with other women and tap into our feminine power through vulnerability and connection.